Before I first went to Quito this summer, I spent some time finding a FB group for goths and alternative people in Quite. At their wall, I asked for a guide who spoke a little bit English and was willing to take me and Ola around. I ended up with Majo, which was like winning the lottery. Not only is she in our age, she speaks pretty good English, knows everybody, is funny and intelligent and could answer Ola’s every political question. Unfortunately for us she got a scholarship while we were here and is now in Barcelona since a few months. But since she’s so awesome, she hooked me up with her mom (While she was here. She took me to he grandma’s place where I met not only her mom, but her grandma, her grandma’s sister and her moms friend) and with her sister.
Today for the first time ever, I spoke with her sister on FB, explaining in bad Spanish that we are looking for a place to rent in Batan. 30 min later she and her dad picked us up. Neither of them speak English but for the next one and half hour they took us for a cruise in Batan, looking for “to rent” signs. No luck, but we really like the area.
I also followed my Spanish teacher’s (in Chicago) advice and contacted his friends who recently moved here from D.C. asking if she and her family would be interested to have a coffee with us. I feel slightly like I’m trying to get a date 5 minutes before the bar is closing. But whatever, any contact is worth a try (Well hello there, beautiful, you don’t look like you sleep on the street, can go home with you? Please???)
Also, with some help from Rebecca, we turned on the washing machine. Soon we’re off to dinner with her and Panchito at a Chinese restaurant. I’ll bring my EPI-pen ad hope I won’t die.